Balance. It’s a horrid word to many leaders. 

We are tempted to drive ourselves to the limits of the well being scale in order to demonstrate dedication, justify our existence and deliver the bottom line results. 

But let’s face it, dead is dead. 

Physically, intellectually, relationally our emotionally. If any of these values become numb, you are in trouble. And if you are in trouble then your organisation is in trouble!

I have this saying, When leaders rise, everyone rises. You must be well in order to lead well. Not that hard a concept; but much harder to actually achieve. I talked recently about the need to take creative time out, time that feeds your creative, imaginative, reflective self needs. But along side that is the resetting of emotional balance, the fuelling of your intellectual hunger, the health of your personal and professional relationships and the biggie; to balance and gain perspective on your emotional drain. (People)

The reason I provide supervision for leaders, which roughly translates as a neutral, coffee drinking, scratching post, with objective wise thoughts, is so we keep each other accountable to the idea that we must stay tanked up in order that we can go faster. 

If you have hit the ground crawling…let’s face it, 2023 was not the kindest mistress we have ever met, then drop me a line. Remember, Coffee Fixes Everything. We help grow great leaders, and we write lousy eulogies.

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